Operation NANOOK 2023’s two summer serials demonstrating the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) abilities to deploy forces and conduct exercises with our Allies and international and Whole of Government partners in the Arctic, concluded on Saturday, September 9.

Elements of the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Air Force, and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command were represented in NANOOK 2023. Members of Canadian and U.S. Special Operations Forces were embarked in HMCS Harry DeWolf to exercise their ability to conduct joint and integrated operations in the complex and challenging Arctic environment.

Leading the summer land-based operation, the Canadian Army deployed approximately 100 soldiers from 2nd Canadian Division, supported by the 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group.

The land task force deployment to Inuvik and Tuktoyatuk, Northwest Territories enabled land forces to conduct presence and surveillance operations in that region.

The Royal Canadian Air Force contributed multiple aircrafts including a CP-140 Aurora long-range patrol aircraft, CH-138 Twin Otters and a CH-147 Chinook helicopter to support multiple portions of the operation.

The U.S. Navy’s participation in the maritime component this year included for the first time the Los Angeles-class submarine USS San Juan (SSN 751) and Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) Flotilla 1 (UUVFLOT 1), which uses UUVs to provide subsea warfare capabilities. Additionally, the USS Oscar Austin (DDG 79), as well as U.S. naval maritime patrol squadrons VP-10 Red Lancers and VP-45 Pelicans, participated in this year’s exercise.

Ships from the U.S. Coast Guard, French Navy and Royal Danish Navy also participated in the training.

As part of the operation, the USS San Juan, with four members of the Royal Canadian Navy aboard, navigated the Northwest Passage. This allowed for the practice of anti-submarine warfare and all domain awareness, as the USS San Juan was tracked by air, land, and sea assets along the route.

By Editor