On March 6 and 7 , off the coast of Vancouver , the surveillance frigate Prairial , deployed on a mission in the Pacific since January 22 , conducted a two-day exercise alongside the Royal Canadian Navy.

Integrating a group of four combat ships from the Canadian fleet, the frigate took advantage of this sequence to train in a combined environment. This phase thus allowed the implementation of common procedures, essential for a joint commitment. Thus, the helicopter on board the Prairial practiced with Canadian ships, demonstrating its ability to interact with the allies in realistic conditions.

This educational exercise ended with a coordinated firing phase between the different ships.

Fruitful exchanges subsequently made it possible to share operating methods specific to this area of ​​the Pacific. These activities allowed the frigate’s crew to implement NATO procedures and thus consolidate its interoperability with our Canadian ally.

The FS Prairial finally made a stopover at the heart of the Esquimalt naval base, near Vancouver. This meeting time allowed the sailors to exchange views and discover the buildings and practices of the Canadian partner. This exchange affirms cultural proximity and the interest in maintaining common know-how and demonstrates interoperability between the Canadian and French armed forces.

By Editor