The Major-General George R Pearkes Building on Colonel By Drive is the most prominent component of Canada's National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ) in Ottawa.

The Minister of National Defense, announced that DND and the CAF are initiating a process to repeal the regulations on Duty to Report and will be strengthening and updating policies, orders, and directives to ensure appropriate reporting.

Repealing the Duty to Report regulations addresses Recommendation #11 of the Independent External Comprehensive Review (IECR), led by Louise Arbour, as well as recommendations received in other external reviews.

Repealing the Duty to Report is an important step in our efforts to restore relationships with members of the institution who have been harmed by sexual assault, sexual harassment or discrimination based on sex, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. While the Duty to Report was designed to promote good order and discipline among CAF members by requiring them to report misconduct to the proper authorities, it has created unintended negative consequences for survivors by taking away their agency and control in the reporting process.

As Arbour stated in her report, “experience has shown that the duty to report has not achieved its intended purpose and, worse, has served only to terrorize and re-victimize those it was meant to protect.”

Repealing the Duty to Report regulations will not limit a CAF member’s ability to report their own experiences of misconduct, nor will it prevent appropriate reporting. This change simply removes the general legal obligation of CAF members to report misconduct, thereby providing space for a more survivor-centric, responsive, and evidence-informed approach.

The repeal will help DND/CAF move away from a one-size-fits-all approach to misconduct and we will provide a more focused, responsive, and evidence-informed approach to the reporting of misconduct to support consistency, optimize outcomes, and rebuild trust.

Removing the obligation to report will create space for members to exercise discretion and choose the best path forward. There are many existing tools designed to help members make decisions that are in line with our high ethical standards. These tools include the CAF Ethos: Trusted to Serve, the Code of Values and Ethics, and the Code of Service Discipline.

As always, our priority is the health and safety of our members, and we encourage those who have been affected by misconduct to report incidents when they are ready and feel safe to do so. The stress of reporting should not prevent someone from getting the care and support that they need, and we will continue to work diligently to eliminate barriers to reporting. 

Before the repeal comes into force during Winter 2023-24, DND/CAF is undertaking a holistic and in-depth review of all relevant regulations, policies, directives, and orders to identify what amendments or refinements may be required to address any issues flowing from the repeal. The review is considering the entire range of misconduct and seeks to address potential risks through the development of alternative mechanisms.

This process will also include targeted consultations with persons with lived experiences and relevant subject matter experts both internal and external to DND/CAF. It will be completed prior to regulatory amendments coming into force.

DND/CAF will continue to pursue comprehensive institutional reform.

By Editor