A warm moment occurred at a dinner held at De Soematra 1910, Surabaya, on Saturday (25/1). This event was held in the context of a visit by the Royal Canadian Navy warship, HMCS OTTAWA (FFH 341) which was anchored in Surabaya.
Commander of Fleet Command II, Rear Admiral TNI Ariantyo Condrowibowo, represented by Commander of Kolat Koarmada II, Navy Colonel (P) Risky Prayudi, was present along with a number of other officials from Canada, one of whom was the Canadian Defense Attaché Stewart Taylor. Also present to accompany Dankolat Koarmada II was Commander of Satkor Koarmada II, Navy Colonel (P) Rafael Dwinatu, AP, ST, M. Tr. Hanla, Commander of KRI Ahmad Yani-351 Navy Colonel (P) Fadhlon, Commander of KRI Yos Sudarso-353 Navy Colonel (P) John David Nalasakti Sondakh, and Commander of KRI Oswald Siahaan-354 Navy Colonel (P) Choirul Arif.
This dinner party was an event that not only strengthened bilateral cooperation between the Indonesian Navy and the Canadian Navy, but also a symbol of friendship between the two countries.
The event, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, was closed with an exchange of souvenirs as a symbol of respect and friendship that continues to be closely knit.
With the spirit of cooperation that continues to strengthen, this visit is expected to be an important step in maintaining regional stability and strengthening diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Canada in the future.